About Us
Our humble beginnings:
The ‘SOG Knives Collectors’ site was started by a group of SOG collectors and fans from Bladeforums.com who were very into the high quality ‘Seki Japan’ SOG Knives. It was started due to the fact that there was no available book of reference for SOG Collectors/hunters and users, very unlike other knife companies like Case, Randall and Spyderco. People who collected rare SOG production models or users who wanted to sell their old SOG knives had no where to turn to when they wanted to find out the value of their knives or more information on them. It was evident that as time passed, users’ posts on knife forums went into the archives, pictures showing SOG knives on forums gradually disappeared to a disappointing red “X” as users either deleted the pictures or shifted them, breaking the links. People who wanted to find out more about their SOG knives had to embark on a tedious task of searching endlessly through archives and broken links.
Some forum members began asking the SOG representative (who was serving as the moderator of the SOG forum) in 2001 if there was going to be a compilation in a hard copy book form or online site of SOG knives, past and present. No plans were made and no book nor site has materialized after all these years… till our SOG Collectors site was set up. Various SOG collectors, after representative contacting SOG Specialty Knives, decided to build up this website from scratch to serve as a reference for SOG knives and designs, creating the SOG Knives Collectors website. It will serve as the Official SOG Collectors Club for fans of SOG who appreciate and own the discontinued SOGs.
This website is the hard work and toil of the creators. However, special mention goes to members of bladeforums.com, knifeforums.com, ebay, Flickr, SOG Specialty Knives Inc., various blogs and websites, the many contributors who choose to remain anonymous, of which this website would not have been made possible.
The information and pictures posted here have been sourced from various online resources, of which forums and picture galleries are predominant (the list is not exhaustive). The creators of this website have tried to the best of their abilities to acknowledge the sources. However, due to the age of some of the information obtained and the difficulty in identifying sources, it is not possible to credit all the sources. If you have an objection about having your pictures posted here, feel free to contact the webmaster at: admin (at) sogknivescollectors.com and your picture will be removed promptly. We however hope that you will be able to share your information and pictures as this will be for the greater education of the public on collectible SOG Knives.
While every reasonable effort has been put in to ensure to credibility of the information provided, neither the creators of this website nor SOG Specialty Knives Inc. accept any damage claims arising from incorrect or misinterpreted information. The onus is on the viewer to check with another source before making an informed decision. We are in no way affiliated to SOG Specialty Knives Inc. and are an independent collectors club.
Please note: If you do plan to use any information on this website for your own use (other than linking the website in forums), please include a link to our site or at least mention us.
The information shared here is property of SOG Knives Collectors and should not be distributed, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior permission of the SOG Knives Collectors site admins. Fair use includes the use of information for non-commercial purposes. Usage of our information requires mentioning our site, with a link to the referred page where possible.
Yours Sincerely,
The SOG Knives Collectors Team